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Preparing Your Portfolio
for College Admissions
Young's Art Studio
Young's Art Studio can help you turn your talent and energy into a career that lets you shape the future. Provide you with the creativity training and innovation program to make the best portfolio for Art College admissions.
Young's Art Studio는 명문 미술대학에 수많은 합경생을 배출해온 미대입시 미술학원 입니다. 오랜 역사와 검증된 커리큘럼을 바탕으로 첨단교육시설과 각 분야의 유능한 선생님들이 개인별 실기능력에 따라 예술적 감성을 발굴육성하고 있습니다. 미대입시부터 미대편입까지 모든 영역을 전문적으로 지도하고 있습니다.

Young's Art Studio is a space that deeply explores each student's originality, creativity, and artistic sense. By helping students find the most suitable major and guiding them on the right path, we ensure their growth and success. Each year, we thoroughly review the conditions of various universities, including tuition, scholarships, and majors, and conduct meetings with parents and students to help all our students successfully gain admission to art colleges.
Based on a history of success and accredited educational programs, we offer personalized education for each student. This approach broadens their artistic knowledge and nurtures their creative potential, focusing not only on successful college admissions but also on discovering talent that will lead major design industries.
영스 아트 스튜디오는 각 학생이 지닌 독창성과 창의성, 그리고 예술적 감각을 깊이 있게 탐구하는 공간입니다. 학생들에게 가장 적합한 전공을 찾아주고 올바른 길로 안내함으로써, 그들의 성장과 성공을 확실히 보장합니다. 매년 여러 대학의 조건을 면밀히 검토하고, 학비, 장학금, 전공에 대해 학부모와 학생들과의 회의를 통해 모든 학생들이 성공적으로 예술 대학에 합격할 수 있도록 돕습니다.
성공적인 역사와 공인된 교육 과정을 바탕으로, 학생 한 명 한 명에게 맞춤형 교육을 제공합니다. 이를 통해 학생들의 예술적 지식을 넓히고 창의적인 잠재력을 키워, 성공적인 대학 입학뿐 아니라 주요 디자인 산업을 이끌어갈 인재를 발굴하는 데 전념하고 있습니다.
About Young's Art Studio

Senior Director 'Young Yun'
Since 1996, Young Yun, a graduate of Art Center College of Design, has opened a studio dedicated to preparing portfolios for aspiring art college students. We are a professional institute with a successful track record, having had students accepted to prestigious institutions such as Art Center, RISD, Pratt, Parsons, SVA, SAIC, Otis, CalArts, Cornell University, Carnegie Mellon University, USC, and more.
We meticulously analyze each student's grades, techniques, and skills to match them with the specific requirements of various college applications. By evaluating these results, we identify the right major and the ideal college for each student, ensuring they are well-prepared to create outstanding portfolios.

"We Cover All Varieties:
Explore Every Art Major with Us"
- Illustration
- Animation
- Media Arts
- Installation Art


Industrial Design
- Product Design
- Transportation Design
- Architecture/Interior Design
- Spatial/Environmental Design

Visual Arts
- Graphic/ Advertising Design
- Fashion Design
- Entertainment/Game Design
- Interaction Design
Specialized Portfolio by Major

Say Hi! It's free ;)

510 N. Magnolia Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801